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조정이혼 / 재판이혼 / 심판이혼 등 여러분께서 어떠한 형태의 이혼을 하시던 이혼을 결정하셨으면 그만한 이혼사유가 있으며, 그에 맞는 재산분할, 위자료, 양육권, 양육비 등 다양한 문제가 발생하고 있습니다. 이러한 문제들을 개인의 상식으로 생각하고 오판해서는 안되며, 법률적 조언을 얻을 수 있는 전문가와 상담을 통해 조언을 받고, 계획에 따라 다양한 방식으로 접근해서 원하는 것을 쟁취하셔야만 합니다. 저희 법률사무소에서는 여러 이혼전문변호사들께서 여러분들에게 법률적 조언과 상담에 시간을 아끼지 않으며, 모든 상담을 무료로 진행하고 있으니 부담없이 문의를 주시면 친절히 상담해드리겠습니다.
이혼 및 가사소송에 관련 법률적 조언을 받으시려면 클릭!

If you're considering a divorce in Alabama, the information and resources below can help make the process easier. You can access the appropriate divorce laws to know what your rights are and what to expect, as well as read through the child support guidelines and use the calculator to determine how much child support might be granted in your case.

If funds are tight and you can't afford a lawyer, you can get separation and divorce forms that are specific for AL. Or if you would rather have an experienced lawyer handle your case, there is an option to locate these professionals in your area. There is also information on domestic violence services in the state and divorce support groups in your area to help you get through your situation.

You'll also be able to find more information on divorce in general by reading through our various divorce articles. We cover such topics as getting a separation, all phases of the divorce process, splitting assets and debts, managing child custody, support, and visitation issues, as well as dealing with the divorce emotions and starting over.

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ALABAMA DIVORCE LAWS  (0) 2017.09.29
State Divorce Resources and Laws  (0) 2017.09.29
Find A Divorce Attorney  (0) 2017.09.29
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