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Find A Divorce Attorney

Delete 2017. 9. 29. 03:17

If you're thinking about divorce, or have been served with divorce papers, you need to find a divorce attorney who specializes in family law in your area. Luckily there are online services you can use that will match your case to professionals who are willing to help.

When you begin your search, you want to narrow the field to attorneys who practice family law and spend the majority of their time handling divorces. If you have children, you also want someone who has experience in child custody, support and visitation matters as well. An experienced divorce lawyer will help you understand how the specific divorce and custody laws of your state will impact your divorce.

Avvo has a great searchable lawyer directory where you can review profiles for attorneys in your area. You'll also be able to find out how many years they have been licensed, find contact and website information, and most importantly read reviews from previous clients. This can help you pinpoint attorneys who would be a good fit for your case.

You can also search for divorce lawyers and state-specific divorce information by using our divorce directory.  Of course, you can always find a divorce attorney by searching in the yellow pages or asking for referrals from other lawyers, friends, and family.  Before you hire an attorney, there are some things that you need to consider first. 

For more information on what you need to keep in mind, check out the following articles:

- Do You Really Need a Divorce Attorney - Find out.

- Divorce Lawyers - What to ask in the initial meeting.

- How to Choose a Divorce Lawyer - Finding the best match.

- Divorce Lawyer Consultation Questions

- Collaborative Divorce Alternatives - A cooperative approach

- Reducing the Cost of a Divorce - Helpful tips to save you money.

- Is Your Attorney Meeting Your Expectations - Evaluating your lawyer's performance.