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이혼 및 가사소송에 관련 법률적 조언을 받으시려면 클릭!

When is spousal support awarded in North Dakota?

Either spouse may be required to pay spousal support, depending on the circumstances of the parties, how long they have been married, and any factors the court deems relevant. The court may require the paying spouse to provide security to guarantee that payments will be made. The court may also award the family home to an innocent spouse for a set amount of time or indefinitely based on the facts of the case and within the guidelines of the homestead laws. Spousal support orders are subject to modification at a later date.

※ Can I request a name change?

North Dakota allows a name change request to be incorporated into a divorce petition as long as the person petitioning for the name change is a bona fide resident of the county for a minimum of six months. The petition must include which spouse is requesting the name change, the new name being requested, and certify that there is no intent to defraud or mislead anyone by changing his/her name. [Based on North Dakota Century Code; Chapter 32-28]

※ Effect of divorce: 

A finalized divorce will return the parties to an unmarried status, but there may be conditions on future marriages as outlined in the divorce decree. The court may specify whether one or both of the parties will be allowed to remarry and how long they must wait before doing so. The court may also modify the divorce decree to permit the remarriage of either party at a later date.

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